Saturday, March 19, 2016

Red, White and Blue are the Only Colors that Matter!

The Aryan Nation, the Ku Klux Klan, the Nation of Islam and Black Lives Matters are toxic and have no place in our country.  The Aryan Nation and the Ku Klux Klan are considered hate groups by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) and are denounced by most people of all races. The Nation of Islam while listed as a hate group by the SPLC receives little media public attention and condemnation.  The Black Lives Matters organization is, in my opinion, the most dangerous of the hate groups.

It is dangerous because it is very active today, is not considered a hate group by the SPLC and the mainstream media. Its members even have been honored by President Obama.  It defies logic that a group that promotes violence against whites, whose modus operandi is disruption, violence and thuggery is not widely condemned.   Google "black lives matters want to kill whites" and you will find quite a few stories.  Here is one that sums up who they are.

While it is true you will find quite a few stories about the hate that the Black Lives Matters movement is spewing, most of the stories are not written by the mainstream media.  The mainstream media has given them a pass.

Sure, the mainstream media reports when they shut down a Hillary Clinton rally or a Bernie Sanders rally or block traffic to try and silence Donald Trump, but they report without any denouncement of the action of the movement.

Black Lives Matters is trying to infringe upon the right of people to exercise their Constitutional rights of free speech and voting.  Yes, it is true they are trying to intimidate people to stop them from voting for Trump.  

It is extremely important to note that Black Lives Matters does not represent all black people. There are blacks who speak out against the hate of the Black Lives Matter movement.  One is Kevin Jackson whose blog "The Black Sphere"which I read regularly.  Another person who routinely calls out the Black Lives Matters movement is Allen West; someone else I respect and follow.

People like Jackson and West keep me grounded and help me to realize it is not really about race issue but ideology.  These men are conservatives whereas the Black Lives Movement members are liberal and ascribe to thuggery to garner power.

Keep this in mind because it is easy to lump all black people into the Black Lives Matters group when you see mobs of blacks blocking traffic, encouraging riots, encouraging the killing of whites and wiping their butts with the American flag.  These people do not represent all blacks; no more than the Ku Klux Klan represents all whites.

People of all races must band together to fight hate groups and to dispel the lies they spread to promote violence and even race wars.  Know that there are race baiters including our president that want to divide America along the lines of race.  Do not let them do it.  Fight against discrimination at all levels.

Most of all, whether it is the Ku Klux Klan or Black Lives Matters, call out and denounce their hate.  Do not let their threats of riots and murder silence you. Stand tall and proud in your conservative beliefs against the vitriol that is inevitably hurled at you.

Our best weapon against the hate mongers is our vote.  Vote for the candidate that will fight for America.  Support that candidate with your time and contributions.  Together we can change America for the better and make it great again.

Martin Luther King, Jr. wanted us to judge people not by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.  I want us to do this too, but also call upon you to align yourself with others not by the color of their skin, but by their political ideology.  A man who believes in upholding the Constitution, who believes in individual freedom and liberty is not white, or black or any other color other than red, white and blue and that is all that matters.

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