Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Violence Begets Violence

Race relations between blacks and whites is the worst it has been in my life. I experienced the riots in 1968 and race relations were not as bad then as they are today.

Race relations have deteriorated since Obama has become president. Not saying he is to blame, just making an observation.

Here is part of the reason they are so bad today. Many blacks feel connected to other black persons because they share the same skin color and they lump all whites together based on their skin color. So when a black person experiences some type of injustice, real or perceived, at the hands of a white person many blacks hate on whites.

I, and most whites I know, do not share a connection with other whites simply because they are white. I might feel connected because we share the same political views or grow up in the same part of the country, but not because of skin color.

Here is the deal, it is illogical to be connected to someone because of skin color. Skin color tells you nothing about the person. It doesn't tell you if they are a good person, a bad person, the country of their family's origin, their religion or anything else that matters.

Is this what we want for our country, picking sides based on skin color instead of issues?  Yes, I know that is what our president does, but that doesn't make it right.

Why do blacks support people like Michael Brown just because he was black?  Other than skin color what connection is there to most other blacks?  The super majority of blacks have not committed a robbery or attacked a policeman so why do they feel the need to identify with and elevate Brown to martyr status?

I am sure that someone might say that blacks are bonded by the chains of slavery.  Okay, fair enough, those blacks who were slaves or have a relative they know was a slave should feel a kindred spirit with other former slaves or relatives of slaves, but just because someone is black doesn't mean they were a slave or have relatives that were slaves. Obama has no slaves in his lineage.

Much of the anger we are seeing today is directly due to blacks discriminating and attacking others based on race. When you demand equality but also want preference based on your race or you attack people based on race such as the "white privilege" meme you will fuel anger.

Hers are examples of the catalyst fueling the ire of many today who have had enough. Black Lives Matters excludes whites from its meeting and they promote only black lives and worse, promote rioting in the support of criminals.

The Nation of Islam and other black supremacist groups openly call for the killing of white people. Black youths are randomly punching white people, even the elderly trying to knock them out.  Black students call for hiring of black professors and the firing of white professors. Blacks are creating a black against white environment and it is explosive.

There are injustices in the world and we should all work to correct those injustices but the way to do it is to be colorblind. Drive home the message that racial discrimination, all racial discrimination including racial preference, is wrong and we can work together to make end it. Celebrate all lives matter and we can unite and rejoice in the love of humanity. But, scream black lives matter, celebrate lawlessness and promote the murder of white people and we will have a race war.

Remember if sharing black skin makes people "brothers" then there are many a "Cain" in cities like Baltimore, Chicago, Detroit and even in our nation's Capitol. Why blame white people when blacks kill blacks by the thousands each year?

If we are to be a divided nation then let it be along the lines of good and evil.  I can look at Dr. Ben Carson and just see a good man.  My opinion of Michael Brown was formed by seeing him rob a convenience store clerk and the results of the investigation by the state and federal governments who found his death to be justified. Race never entered into it.

All I ask is for blacks to do the same. Look beyond race and into the soul of others and join together with those of like character. Some do this already today but we need more people looking at character and not race when formulating opinions and actions.

Think about this for a moment. Rachel Dolezal is and always was a white person but when she was thought to be black she was allowed to work for the NAACP.  She was respected by blacks when she was "black."  But when she was outed as white sHe lost her job and status in the black community. Why? Was she not the same person capable of performing her duties? Not only is this not logical, it is racist.  Is this what we want for our country; judging people by race and not by actions?

I want a diverse nation with a shared vision where the people are joined together by being American. I want us to be American brothers and sisters working together for liberty and justice for all.

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